Well, it looks like it's going to be a very busy year in 2007. The spring, summer and fall are almost booked solid, we start shooting weddings this weekend and are meeting will all sorts of couple for 2008! Don't worry if you are planning a short engagement and are just calling now for your 2007 wedding, I do have a few hand-selected photographers that are shooting weddings for me this summer so we may be able to accommodate.
I'm feeling really on top of things already this year because I started on my New Years Resolutions back in the fall!!!! Here they are:
1. Get in shape! Thanks to the crew at Naturally Fit personal training and their specialized "Bootcamp" program, I am in better shape than I have been in a long time. Check them out at www.naturallyfit.net. There was actually an engaged couple in the program in line to get fit for the upcoming wedding.
2. Spend less time doing "the business of doing business"!!! (and more times shooting and providing even better customer service) So I hired a fabulous book-keeper that is keeping my accounts in line and freeing up my time to work with you!!! (Okay and spend a little more time with my family). AAU Financial (aka Laura Coughlin)is actually already working for colleagues of mine because I can't stop talking about her. You can find her contact info at www.aau-financial Tell her I sent you!
3. TRY TRY TRY to blog more regularly...Hopefully I'll be able to give you a few samples of what I've been up to each week. GULP!
That's all...I believe in making resolutions that I can keep!
I want to thank Kate and Andrew (married August 2006)for inviting me and my family out to their fabulous family farm this holiday...we had a blast!