Monday, August 23, 2010

Adlee & Finley

Adlee and Finely are the children of my oldest friend. Carmen and I became best friends the FIRST DAY OF GRADE ONE (dinosaurs were still roaming the earth)!!! I thought I knew Carmen pretty well. We went through elementary school, puberty, first boyfriends, horrible tragic losses and each other's weddings together. Then last month I was introduced to a whole new level of this person that I thought I knew really well.

Two things happened...1. I sat with Carmen while she was in labour with Finley. WOW, and I mean WOW...the well of resolution this woman drew from while she endured was NOTHING short of amazing. 2. I got to know Adlee, the most astute, amazing, alluring, astounding 5 year old ON THE PLANET...yup, she rendered both my husband and my own 6 year old ball of fire, Sam, speechless at the same time. Any woman responsible for bringing this STAR of a human being into the world has got to be elevated to well, I don't know what...Wonderous Goddess of All Light and Wonder???

Carmen, you are amazing!


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