Saturday, May 08, 2010

Amazing Face: Ernie

It's important to me that people understand how I see beauty. I often have people approach me and tell me that they'd love to have photos done but don't think they are good-looking enough or that they aren't thin enough, or that they don't have the right clothes. Real beauty doesn't come from bleach-blond hair extensions and breast implants. It's found in the wisdom of age and experience, the triumph over adversity and the innocence of the young and unknowing.

Each month I will be featuring an Amazing Face here on my blog. If you know someone with an Amazing Face, please email me at and tell me all about them.

Introducing one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. This is Ernie and I have wanted to photograph him for years. I created Amazing Faces with him in mind. Ernie has faced extraordinary challenges in his life but to speak to him, you would never know. He leads a simple life but is rich in the love of his fabulous family and close friends (plus he'd give you the shirt off his back).

1 comment:

Jennifer Kirk Photography said...

Nice job, an amazing face indeed.