Bradaigh is awesome! Bradaigh has been
on my blog before. Bradaigh's 18months old, gregarious, gorgeous and funny.
Bradaigh has Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic disease that affects organs such as the liver, lungs, pancreas, and intestines. It disrupts the body's salt balance, leaving too little salt and water on the outside of cells and causing the thin layer of mucus that usually keeps the lungs free of germs to become thick and sticky. While the lifespan of people with CF varies, it is less than half of those living without it. The medications that Bradaigh requires are not covered by health care and cost more a month than my mortgage payment (A LOT more than my mortgage payment).
Everyday, Bradaigh's mom,
Rhyanon, follows a strict schedule of exercises, administers costly medications and follows specific hygienic practices in hopes that Bradaigh stays infection-free.
If you remember from a few months ago I introduced
Amazing Faces as a way to showcase someone who's beauty came from beyond their worldly assets or outward appearance. While Bradaigh truly is a beautiful 18 month old boy, I wanted to feature him as an
Amazing Face to raise awareness of this disease. Who knows, maybe you can help....?
To learn more OR to make a donation,
click here.